Manual oxford hematologia clinica pdf
Manual oxford hematologia clinica pdf

Maximum of 10 references and 2 tables/figures. The manuscript must not exceed 1,000 words, not be divided into sections neither include an abstract. Such manuscripts are not submitted to peer review and are published at the discretion of the editor.Ĭomments: Comments on a paper or relevant issue are welcome and will be published at the discretion of the editor. Editorials: Editorials should cover broad aspects of medical or biological sciences. The manuscript must have a maximum of 8,000 words, 50 references, and 10 tables/figures. Spontaneously submitted guidelines are welcomed however, potential authors should bear in mind that they are expected to have expertise in the field. Practical Guidelines: Guidelines regarding themes that are relevant to medical practice. The manuscript must present a maximum of 8,000 words, 10 tables/figures, and 50 references. If appropriate, the method of reference collection should be described. Spontaneously submitted reviews are welcome however, potential authors should bear in mind that they are expected to have expertise in the reviewed field. Review articles: Review articles should cover themes that are relevant to medical practice. The article must be structured into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. The manuscript must have a maximum of 6,000 words, 40 references and 10 tables/figures. Original articles: Complete original studies should be submitted in this category. Types of article The journal publishes articles classified into the categories described below. The journal is committed to the principles of ethics, respect for the individual, humanization, honesty, pioneering spirit, and excellence, following the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Clinics also publishes Editorials and Comments. Original and review papers in medical and biomedical sciences are approved for publication based on its originality, contemporary importance, and interest to the readers of the journal. Clinics is an electronic international journal that publishes peer-reviewed research of interest to clinicians and researchers in continuous flow.

Manual oxford hematologia clinica pdf